Hi I have a little problem.
Everytime i start a sound with parameters that change at runtime I get a popping noise in the beginning. What are the reasons this could happen?
My implementation of a UFMODAudioComponent is like this in the init function, wherever that might be (BeginPlay/ some custom function/…):
→ SetEvent()
→ SetParameter() [if it is something volume related i set it to 0, else to the lowest possible input value]
→ Play()
On EventTick I input a calculated value, clamped to the min and max values that are possible for an input.
In the following clip every audio is from FMOD. Order: music, car (popping noise), speech (phone call).
Also I noticed that when such a sound starts before Unreal Editor blocks the gamethread for level loading, the popping noise is stretched across the whole blocking time, this does not occur with “normal” events. The speech and music are implemented as programmer sound and audio tables.
Also I read this could happen when the volume instantly changes (or too fast), so I tried limiting the speed at which any parameter could change but that doesn’t work (maybe it is still too fast?).
Best regards