could not be loaded

We are working on a game for the oculus quest and when we build the apk we get the error that the could not be loaded because the quest is out of memory.

2022-06-13 12:19:20.118 28699-28921/com.DefaultCompany.TGOM E/filemap: mmap(459300864,41680544) failed: Out of memory
2022-06-13 12:19:20.118 28699-28921/com.DefaultCompany.TGOM E/ultCompany.TGO: Failed to mmap file 'assets/' in APK '/data/app/com.DefaultCompany.TGOM-iZdRbRdINrTy2UbhU0eHVg==/base.apk'
2022-06-13 12:19:20.123 28699-28921/com.DefaultCompany.TGOM E/Unity: [FMOD] AndroidAssetFile::reallyOpen :     Could not open '' from the asset manager.
    UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace () (at /Users/bokken/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Scripting/StackTrace.cs:37)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat (UnityEngine.LogType,UnityEngine.Object,string,object[])
    UnityEngine.Logger:Log (UnityEngine.LogType,object)
    UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
    FMODUnity.RuntimeManager:DEBUG_CALLBACK (FMOD.DEBUG_FLAGS,intptr,int,intptr,intptr) (at D:/Actrio Studio/tgom/Assets/Plugins/FMOD/src/Runtime/RuntimeManager.cs:36)

The sounds are still working but the game is crashing after we change the scene a couple of times and we assume that the problem could be because unity tries to load the multiple times.
We are using the Unity version 2020.3.21f1 and the fmod version 2.01.07.

Banks do not get loaded multiple times- unless perhaps you are using multiple System objects to load them. It sounds like the Master bank has a lot of sample data in it that is gradually getting loaded in and never unloaded. It might be a good idea to break down the Master bank into multiple smaller banks and load/unload them as required. Otherwise, you can unload the sample data of inidividual events when they are no longer required using Studio.EventDescription.unloadSampleData.
You should also avoid preloading sample data on non timing-critical events to ensure that memory isn’t being used up unneccessarily. You can do this by unitcking the with Preload Sample Data option on Event Emitters and Bank Loaders, or the Load Bank Sample Data option in the FMOD Unity Settings.

Sorry for the late reply. It looks like the solution was to simply update the unity package of fmod and/or change the build to 64 bits. This also solved some crashes we had when we changed the scene.