Occlusion with FMOD Studio

Oops I posted my response as an Answer–

Hi Richard,

Thanks for the tip, I tried it and it did allow for a valid ChannelGroup(although pausing the thread like that is not ideal).

Unfortunately, while it “works” and the sound volume is lowered by the occlusion, it doesn’t sound particularly realistic.

It looks like the 2nd parameter to set3DOcclusion, reverb occlusion, is ignored– so in practice all the occlusion is doing is lowering the volume…

i.e. if I call set3DOcclusio(1.f, 0.f), the sound is completely muted.

I see that passing FMOD_INIT_CHANNEL_LOWPASS to fmod init is supposed to turn on some reverb, but it doesn’t appear to do anything for me.

I guess Studio just doesn’t work with occlusion– is there a pluggin that handles this or something?