Parameter to control other parameter


I wonder if it’s possible to control the attributes of a parameter with other parameter. The velocity and seek speed to be specific.


FMOD Studio does not currently support automating parameter seek speed or velocity, though our feature/improvement tracks does include tasks to add such features in future.

In the mean time, what do you plan to use seek speed and velocity automation for? We may be able to suggest some other method of achieving the behavior you want.

Hey! I’d like to revive this question:

I’ve got a music track composed of several cells. I want the track to jump from one cell to another after a random number of repetitions.

Atm i have the idea to use Seek Speed on a Continuous param to determine when it should change. However it would be great to randomise this Seek Speed value so i don’t know how long it will take each time i hit play and start the process.

Any work around ideas?

The screenshot below shows x2 tracks: the idea being that i would repeat this method with several tracks simultaneously.

Rather than using a parameter trigger condition, why not just give the transition markers a probability trigger condition? If you select one of the transition markers in that screenshot, set its “Probability” property to “On” and set its “Chance” property to 10%, then it will have only a one in ten chance of firing each time the playback position reaches it. This will ensure that the number of times each cell plays is random.

ooh ok that’s a good idea!

What if i wanted to set the number of loops each segment does manually - is there away? So that it only moves on when the number of loops has been reached?

e.g. first isntrument x5 loops, then moves on to second instrument for x3 loops, then moves on to third instrument for x6

Hmm… The easiest way to do that would be to create a parameter to act as a counter, and then use an an “increment parameter” command instrument to increment that parameter once per loop. You could set (or randomize) the number of loops by setting (or randomizing) the value of the parameter when the event starts.

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