Pause/time interval modulation

Hi. I am having problems coming up with a good solution for this.
let’s say I have a crowd. They chant these seperated words: “A, B, C”. with 1 sec interval in between each word. I always need the order ABC. It should never end up being BAC or whatever.
I want to be able to vary the time (1 sec) with a parameter. Let’s call the parameter “chant_speed”
So something like this:
If chant_speed=1 set time interval to 1 sec. If chant_speed=2, set time interval to 2 sec, if chant_speed=3, then set interval to 3 sec.

I want to be able to modulate the decay part of an ADSR, depending on chant_speed. So if the chant is slow, there is a long decay between each word. If the chant is fast, the decay is faster, so to not muddy up the next word with the tail of the word that came before.

I thought about using scatterer instruments, but I don’t know how to set them up so sequentially, so the B won’t start before A and so on.

Any ideas? I’m sure there is a very easy solution that is staring me in the face, but I can’t see it at the moment.

How about 3 loop regions each with the ABC but with increasingly more space between the samples eg 1 sec, 2, 3, a transition for each and a parameter that moves them between the different “speed” loops. Use the same parameter to module the decay of an envelope.



This is fairly easy to do:

  1. Select the scatterer instrument so that its panel is displayed in the deck.
  2. Just above the “Playlist” section of the scatterer, you should see a drop-down menu that’s set to “Shuffle” by default. Click on this menu, and select “Sequential - Local Scope.”

This will ensure that the scatterer instrument always selects items from its playlist in sequential order: First the first entry, than the second, then the third, and so on; when it reaches the end of the playlist, it’ll start selecting from the top of the playlist again.

The count is reset each time you start a new instance of the event. (If you’d prefer it to be maintained globally, you should use “Sequential - Global Scope” instead.)

Johanenglund’s suggestion would also work, but would require more work to set up.

Thanks. Forgot to say one thing:
I would like to randomise between different takes of A and different takes of B and different takes of C.

The scatterer instrument solution will not work with different takes (I think).

That is the solution I am actually making myself now. But I would like a more simple/elegant solution if possible. But thanks :slight_smile:

Oh, you can do that with a scatterer by using nested multi instruments:

  1. Create a scatterer instrument and set its playlist selection mode to “Sequential - Local Scope” as I described in my above post.
  2. Add three multi instruments to the scatterer instrument’s playlist. Name them “A,” “B,” and “C.”
  3. Add your variants of the A, B, and C words to the appropriate multi instruments’ playlists.

Even though the scatterer instrument’s playlist is set to sequential, the multi instruments’ playlist will each be set to “shuffle.” The result will be that the scatterer instrument cycles through “A,” “B,” and “C” words in that fixed order, but that each time it plays one of those words it will randomly select one of that word’s variants to play.

Ok great.

I experimented a bit with that approach and while the logic works, sound wise, it just doesn’t sound natural. So I will go with my initial approach.

But it’s great to know about this functionality.

NO! I replicated the exact sound using your technique instead. And your approach is much more flexible and allows for smooth transitions.
Thanks! :slight_smile: