PlaylistInstrumentInstance::startFullLengthHook : Attempting to schedule a sound in the past, this could cause inaccurate playback

Can someone explain me what this warning means, and how to deal with it? I’m getting it a lot :slight_smile: (Using FMOD Studio 1.10.13)

[FMOD] PlaylistInstrumentInstance::startFullLengthHook : Attempting to schedule a sound in the past, this could cause inaccurate playback.

FMODUnity.RuntimeManager:DEBUG_CALLBACK(DEBUG_FLAGS, StringWrapper, Int32, StringWrapper, StringWrapper) (at Assets/Plugins/FMOD/RuntimeManager.cs:33)

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Loading bank sample data should help with the “Attempting to schedule a sound in the past” warnings, this is normally a sign that the event hasn’t had enough time to load before it is started.

You can do this either when loading the bank or the Event Instance.

See the API White Paper on Studio Banks for more information.

Thank you Cameron. I’ve tried to use the Studio Bank Loader to do this, but I am still getting the warning. Wasn’t this what you meant with loading the samples before the event it started?

Or could it be because some of my sounds are set to “stream” in FMOD?

If it is streaming sounds causing this then loading the sample data will not have any effect, it only effects compressed sounds.

You may get this warning by having a spawning instrument with a very short spawn interval (< 20ms). Is there any other information in the logs?

Any luck or solution in figuring this out? The same thing is happening in my project. I had this warning showing over 999 times in my project. I have a separate post for my scenario. It’s the “Viking Village trigger zone” post towards the top of this forum group.

This is what I get in the log, does that tell you anything usable?

[FMOD] PlaylistInstrumentInstance::startFullLengthHook : Attempting to schedule a sound in the past, this could cause inaccurate playback.

FMODUnity.RuntimeManager:DEBUG_CALLBACK(DEBUG_FLAGS, StringWrapper, Int32, StringWrapper, StringWrapper) (at Assets/Plugins/FMOD/RuntimeManager.cs:33)

[FMOD] PlaylistInstrumentInstance::startFullLengthHook : Attempting to schedule a sound in the past, this could cause inaccurate playback. [511 warnings]

Same here, and the only thing I do in unity is this, so the load bank doesn’t apply to me:

string eventRef = “event:/Main”;
eventInstance = FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CreateInstance(eventRef);

Then I do
eventInstance.setParameterValue(string, eventValue);

several times, cant see when this is logged, be it in setParameterValue or elsewhere.

Are you loading the event/bank sample data before trying to play the event?

Probably not, but I inherited this code and it has just recently been giving me this warning. So I do not know how to manually load bank data in advance from Unity… “Master” is in the StreamingAssets folder (5MB but the wave data in the fmod studio project is 69MB - is it packing it this much?) and I’m using version 1.10.12 of the unity plugin.

You can choose to load all banks and their sample data at initialization, from an option in the FMOD Unity settings.

Otherwise, depending on how you are manually loading banks, you can load the sample data from the StudioBankLoader:

Or you can choose load the sample data when loading the banks from code when using RuntimeManager.LoadBank.