Latency & Event Schedule Warnings


So I’ve been having a problem where using either silence instruments in looping multis or scatter instruments constantly produce warnings…

[FMOD] PlaylistInstrumentInstance::startFullLengthHook : Attempting to schedule a sound in the past, this could cause inaccurate playback

I also made another post about this where you were able to reproduce it etc

This seems to be caused by the buffer length, I’ve currently got it set to 512 as everyone except me on the team were having quite noticable latency issues, even on persistent event instances and preloaded bank data etc if I use a length of 1024 the warnings go away but it introduces the latency again


I read somewhere else that the team were aware of this issue and it’s not possible to fix it in 2.02, it has been fixed in 2.03 but obviously we can’t upgrade yet. The dev is keen to get rid of the warnings and has asked me to make a workaround but these 2 event templates seem to be the best thing for random ambient looping one shots.

Can you confirm there’s no way to get rid of the warnings until upgrading to 2.03 while still having the buffer length at 512 and maybe offer a clean alternative to my event layouts?

Unity 6.0.23f1
FMOD 2.02.26

Thanks so much for your time!

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As you mentioned, unfortunately, the solution to this issue will only be included in 2.03. An option may be filtering out the warning, in RuntimeManager.cs before line 108 add:

if (string.Compare((string)message, "Attempting to schedule a sound in the past, this could cause inaccurate playback") == 0)
     return FMOD.RESULT.OK;

Apologies for the inconvenience, hope this helps!

Okay thanks for the info Connor!

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Sorry Connor just wanted to see if you had an ETA on 2.03? :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, I cannot provide a date but hopefully soon!