Plugin builds for different platforms

I have a couple of FMOD plugins that I’m developing and would eventually like to be to able to offer commercially — to do this, am I right in thinking that I’ll need to be able to provide libraries for all major target platforms that FMOD supports?

I can’t find anything in the Plugin SDK documentation about this (beyond specifying that the library must be 64-bit if it is to be used on a 64-bit host). Is it sufficient to apply 32- and 64-bit versions of the Studio- and Game-end DLLs, or do I need to be able to make libraries specific to PC, Android, PS5, Switch, etc?


Yes, you will need to provide libraries for all major target platforms that you want to support as different platforms have their own special dynamic library requirements.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention! I will raise this as an improvement to our documentation update.

Unfortunately, you will need to make not only 32-bit and 64-bit versions for various operating systems but also platform-specific versions for consoles and mobile devices as you mentioned above.

Thanks for confirming that. Can you offer any guidance on how to achieve that? Will I need devkits for these platforms, etc?

You would need access to the platform APIs for those platforms, but you don’t necessarily need a devkit.

Please contact to discuss the details and get access to relevant parts of our forums as we are limited in the specifics we can discuss openly on the public forums.