Pop at end of Multi Instrument one shots but not in Timeline

Hi, im using FMOD Studio v2.02.23 and im experiencing an issue where when certain audio files finish playing in a multi instrument in an action sheet there is a pop, however if i play the exact same multi instrument in a timeline there are no pops.

I have also made sure when exporting these files to add a fade at the end of all the files which made no difference.

Is this a bug or am i doing something wrong?

(For the time being the solution is to just play them in a timeline rather than an actionsheet but id prefer to not have to :slight_smile: )


The fact that the issue is occurring in an action sheet but not in a timeline is a bit strange - does it happen when you use a parameter sheet as well? What format is the source audio file? Also, if you click the “Compress” button in the asset preview to compress it for auditioning, does the pop still occur?

Just checked in a parameter sheet and yeah there are pops there too.

There are no pops when enabling the compress option in the file preview though.

Ive also tested the sounds externally and they dont have pops at the end either so i have no idea what’s going on.

Typically, this kind of thing points at issues with the source asset, usually with the format they’re in. MP3 being the source format is a common culprit, for reasons you can read here: MP3 loops with an audible gap, the equivalent WAV doesn't - #3 by Leah_FMOD

If your source assets are MP3s, I’d recommend re-rendering or re-encoding to another format like WAV or OGG. If they aren’t, what format are you using?

Thanks, but theyre all WAV files (24bit 48khz) so i doubt that’s the issue

In that case, can I get you to upload the problematic audio files, or ones that aren’t confidential but still reproduce the issue, somewhere for me to take a look at? You’re welcome to upload to your FMOD user profile, or somewhere else.

Sure thing, i have uploaded them to my user profile for you.

It’s also worth noting that these files dont always have a pop at the end, but there is a 3.00 st pitch modulation on the master channel of the event that plays them that could also potentially be a contributing factor.

Thanks for uploading those files!

After some testing, I suspect the issue is solely related to the pitch, and isn’t a result of the files themselves. I’m able to consistently reproduce a pop on both your files and some of my own when the pitch is adjusted on different instrument/sheet types, not just multi instruments on action sheets.

Unfortunately I don’t have a workaround for you at the moment, but I’ve passed the issue along to the development team to investigate further.

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Thanks very much for testing and confirming that @Leah_FMOD. It’s validating to know that its not just me or any specific files!

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