Pushing banks results in editor errors for teammates

After building to all platforms, refreshing banks in Unity and pushing the changes to source control my teammates get an FMOD-error in console, blocking them from entering play mode. This is after they have pulled down the changes of course.

The issue is solved if they quit Unity and re-launch it.

The error-message says:
“lVCANotFoundException: [FMOD] VCA not found ‘vca:/MasterVCA’
FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.GetVCA (System.String path) (at Assets/Plugins/FMOD/src/RuntimeManager.cs:1334)”

Build path in FMOD and build path in Unity is the same.
Source Type is Multiple Platform Build (desktop and mobile).
FMOD version: 2.02.14.
Unity version: 2022.3.29f1

I think maybe it could be related to their editor not refreshing banks?

This definitely sounds like an issue caused by bad interactions between source control and bank refreshing. What means of source control are you using (i.e. Unity Version Control, an external program, etc.)? If you manually refresh banks from FMOD → Refresh Banks, is the issue resolved?