is it possible to read out the minimum and maximum value of a parameter using Blueprints? So far I was only able to read out the current value.
is it possible to read out the minimum and maximum value of a parameter using Blueprints? So far I was only able to read out the current value.
Unfortunately, it isn’t possible to do so using the blueprints included with the FMOD for Unreal plugin. It is possible using the FMOD API though by getting the parameter description, which contains members for the min and max values. For global parameters, the description can be grabbed using the appropriate functions belonging to the Studio System object:
And for local parameters, from an Event Description:
Can I get you to elaborate on the details of your need for the parameter min/max values? I may be able to suggest a specific workaround, or add something to our internal improvement tracker.
Thanks for clarification.
I track the player’s progress traveling through a certain area and change a FMOD parameter accordingly.
I just wanted to create a system, that automatically transfers the percentage of the player’s progress to the parameter by reading out its min and max value and calculate the range of the parameter. But I can of course just enter the parameter values by hand. Just thought an automated system would be smart to have for future projects
Thanks for providing some more detail - I can definitely see the use-case for exposing min/max parameter values to blueprints, especially given that the information is cached in Editor when you import your banks, so I’ve added it to our internal feature/improvement tracker.