regenerate GUIDs

i want to reuse my template but need different guids.
Can I regenerate GUIDs with fmodstudio10818?

Hi Mike,

If you copy events, buses, etc. from your current project to a new project then those objects will generate new GUIDs.

It currently isn’t possible to “generate” new GUIDs for currently existing objects.

I hope this helped.



Thanks. how to copy master bank? I still have those guids the same.

Hi Mike,

You don’t need to copy banks across, you can just build from the new project.

I should clarify that you should copy from within the FMOD Studio project itself. By that I mean open up your project and right click on events and select “Copy”. Open a new project window and paste. Copying events will also copy across any assets that that event uses. That should assist with the error you’re seeing with the assets.


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copy assets does not work. in editor is fine but it plays the wrong sound and other errors.
What to do? Thanks

Seems very buggy. now I get “could not find guid in bank”

Hi Mike,

I’m not sure I’m following. Where is this “could not find GUID in bank” error coming from? What are you trying to do currently?


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