We are developing a game using Unity 2019.4.40f1 integrated with FMOD. After playing the game for a while, it crashed. The dumped log indicates that the issue is within FMOD. We need the PDB files for debugging. Could you please send them to us? Thank you.
Using : FMOD Engine Core Api 2.02.11
OS : Windows 10
“CPU”: “amd64”,
“CPUInfo”: “family 6 model 94 stepping 3”,
“CPUArchitecture”: “9 x64 (AMD or Intel)”,
“WinExceptionType”: “EXCEPTION_IN_PAGE_ERROR”,
“WinExceptionDesc”: “Page fault reading 0x7ffce5aefa24 with code 0x00000000.”,
“ExceptionType”: “0 SEH exception”,
“ExceptionModuleName”: “fmodstudio.dll”,
“ExceptionModuleVer”: “”,
“ExceptionModuleBase”: “0x7ffce5820000”,