Resonance Audio Sources not audible at 0.0m min distance

Hello, I stumbled upon a minor issue. When Using Resonance Audio Sources and one of the two steeper built-in distance attenuation curves, the sound is mute if Min Distance is set to 0.0m. The problem also carries over to Unity. It works fine with Min Distance set to any value > 0 or with other spatializers. I can easily work around what seems to be unintended behaviour, but reporting this in case somebody might not be able to figure out why they can’t hear anything.

Thanks for letting us know. Unfortunately, we’re not the right people to tell: The Reonance Audio plug-ins are developed and maintained by Resonance Audio, and only they can fix bugs in their products. I recommend contacting them via their GitHub page and submitting a bug report.

In the mean time, you should be able to work around the issue by setting the effect’s min distance to any value other than zero.