[setVolume does not work] OnApplicationFocus , Unity, Android platform

hello , help ~

fmod version is 2.00.10 , unity version is 2018.4.34f1, platform is Android .

when my apk change to run in background , my script function “OnApplicationFocus” effect , in this function, my background music EventInstance , setVolume(0) , but it’s not work .

I sure the same script and logic is work with fmod version 1.10.13 .

a problem in new version or there is a new rule to process this demand ?

What exactly happens when you attempt to use your script function, and how does it differ from what you intend to happen?

  1. my script function will set all event volume to zero (“OnApplicationFocuss(false)”) when my game change to run in background . Resume their volume (“OnApplicationFocuss(true)”) when my game cut back from background to foreground.


  2. I don’t want to pause all events when the game change to run in background , so I delete this function “OnApplicationPause” in Script “RuntimeManager” . if I don’t delete this function , when I Cast a skill that lasts 5 seconds and change game to the background in 2 seconds , after 10 seconds , I cut back from background to foreground , I can still hear this skill sound (“OnApplicationPause” in RuntimeManager will resume paused events) , it’s not a good process .

  3. I don’t know why my logic in IOS platform is right and effect , but it’s does not work in Android platform .

  4. current fmod version is 2.00.10 , has problem in Android platform, but IOS is ok.
    old fmod version is 1.10.13, Android and IOS are all right .

Thanks for clarification, but I’m afraid I still don’t understand: What exactly happens when you attempt to use your script function?