Quick question, in the Spatializer, which attenuation button corresponds to which mode in the engine (https://www.fmod.com/docs/2.02/api/core-api-common.html#fmod_3d_inverserolloff) ?
To me it looks like this mode is the inverse model:
Because that is the only model that never drops to silence, and it has this dashed line as an indicator for (never reaching) zero, right?
Though the documentation says that the inverse mode is the default (https://www.fmod.com/docs/2.02/api/white-papers-3d-sounds.html#distance-models-and-linear-rolloff-vs-inverse) but in FMOD Studio it doesn’t seem to be. The top left button is selected by default, and I would guess that is the FMOD_3D_LINEARSQUAREROLLOFF mode, no?
I’m also asking, because depending on whether you’d choose the inverse mode or ANY OTHER mode, the “max distance” option should behave very differently, right?
Would be useful to have tooltips in FMOD Studio that tell you the name of the selected mode. Also I’m missing a button on the nodes for “open node documentation” (if that exists? couldn’t find it through Google for the spatializer).