The "Build banks to folders mirroring the banks browser hierarchy" option doesn't play nice with the Unity integration

I wanted to keep my banks organised so I don’t have files strewn at the root of my StreamingAssets folder, so I checked the option and built the banks with it, but for some reason the Unity integration can’t find them if they’re not built into the root of the build folder. Why is that?

If you’re using a multiple platform build setting then you can point Unity to the root “Build” folder in your FMOD Studio project, however if you’re using a single platform then you will need to point Unity to the platform folder that was used for the FMOD Studio project (eg. “Build/Desktop”).

The integration cannot find the banks either way. It only looks in the root of the folder you selected

It looks like this is an issue with the integration not looking for folders in the built banks folder regardless of the settings. We’ll look into fixing this for a future release. In the meantime please set the FMOD Studio project’s settings to not mirror the banks browser hierarchy to make it work for the time being.

That’s what I’m doing at the moment.

It’s been over 4 years and this is still not fixed?

What seems to happen in RuntimeManager is that it does load the bank at the correct path including the subfolder, but only because the subfolder is part of bankName string (a la “Music/Level1”), but then for some reason it also tries to load a bank using the same bankName but this time without the subfolder (a la “Level 1”), and that’s where it throws an error.

I cannot figure out where it’s getting this extra copy of the name from or even how it’s truncating it to remove the subfolder.

I’m happy to hack this code myself, but I don’t know where to look. It appears to be a trivial issue, but apparently there’s some hidden complexity I’m not seeing.

I really don’t want to use the workaround of not using subfolders here mainly because of name collisions, so any advice would be appreciated.

Which FMOD integration version are you using?
Can you share the error you are getting?

I’m using FMOD Studio 2.02.26 with Unity 6000.0.35

I’ve described the issue as fully as it can be described. It’s trying to load a nonexistant bank, so whatever the normal error for that is.

I believe it’s easily reproducible. Let me know if you can’t. I suppose it’s possible there’s something in my config, but I don’t have time to initiate an investigation at the moment.

Am I simply mistaken? Was this feature added and supposed to work now?

So far I have been unable to reproduce the issue myself. As far as I can tell it is all working as expected.

If you could provide a copy of your logs containing the errors and any screenshots of your FMOD-Unity settings, it may help to identify the issue.

I’ll give this another try, knowing it’s supposed to work. Thanks.

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