UI Scaling for 4K Screens

Hey there, I am using FMOD Studio on 4K screen and the UI is so small that is basically impossible to read. Is there a way to enable UI scaling? In not, is there a plan to implement it?

I have the same problem. I’m using the native display scaling in Win10.

Is the question regarding FMOD Designer? If so, this is something that is unlikely to be fixed given that FMOD Designer is a legacy product. FMOD Studio should deal with high DPI displays more gracefully.

FMOD Studio. This is what it looks like on my desktop and it’s not a huge screen physically [FMOD Studio UI Image][1]
[1]: https://goo.gl/photos/Ja3Uy85MC1sKoskZ8

Hi Bojan and Bret,

It’s currently not possible to adjust the DPI settings of FMOD Studio independently of the operating system. You will need to adjust the DPI settings of Windows 10 through system settings and restart FMOD Studio to see these changes.

Please also note that FMOD Studio will take the highest DPI settings if two monitors are present - for example a laptop with 4k resolution and a secondary 1080p monitor will pick up the DPI settings of the laptop screen.

We have added a note into our task tracker to better accommodate high resolution monitors.


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Thank you Richard. I do have UI scaling in Windows set to 150% in fact and use only one screen.

Hi Bojan,

You may need to up the DPI a bit more. On my machine Windows is recommending 200% scaling. As mentioned, we are working on improving this.

Update: Since Studio 1.10.01 we’ve added experimental support for forcing the displayed device pixel ratio on Windows. This is available under the Interface tab of the Preferences dialog. We’re keen to know if adjusting this setting (i.e. to a number from 1 to 4) helps.

We do plan on further improving high DPI support in the future. Part of the issue relates to the 3rd party UI library we’re using, so we’re looking at upgrading this.


Thank you for looking into this again. I did update to latest (1.10.02) and the scaling does work. But it’s not helpful for me yet, as I can only set an integer value and 2 is already to large. Also the text kerning is a bit off for that value.

I am looking forward to new upgrades.

Hey Bojan.

Nice to see you on here.

Have you had any luck figuring this out or creating a workaround for this? I’m having he same issue where the scaling value of 2 is just too big.

I’m having this issue too. Scaling to 1 makes FMOD super tiny, and scaling to 2 makes everything too big…


We are currently testing an update to this UI scaling system, hopefully it will be fully implemented in the next update.


I found a workaround for making Studio honor the Windows system scaling, in case it’s useful for anybody: find the executable, right click, Properties, Compatibility, Change high DPI settings, check High DPI scaling override, select System or System (enhanced). Click Ok and restart Studio.


Thank you Danita, that solution worked for me! My UI was huge on my 4k monitors but now they are scaled correctly (I used System enchanced).

I recently upgraded from 1080 to 4k resolution and have also noticed that the FMOD Studio UI is finicky (buggy?) when it comes to scaling.

Here’s the default UI size. Looks sharp, but too big for my tastes. Feels cramped.

If I force scaling to 100%, it looks like this. Too small.

If I force scaling to 115%, it looks like this. Too large.

Using @danitabaires suggestion, it looks great in terms of scale - but the UI does look a bit blurred. Not optimal, but the best solution I know of.

Hopefully Firelight can get the UI scaling issues fixed so the UI looks nice and sharp at some point.

Edit: After making the switch to 4k, I also noticed that adjusting knobs/sliders feels off for some reason. Almost like there’s a deadzone where I have to move a certain amount to be able to make a change. It’s frustrating when trying to dial in tiny changes. This does not seem to occur after having used @danitabaires’s method - only in the default UI scale.


Thanks for providing the images and reproduction steps. I will pass on your information for our development team to look into further.

Thank you again for bringing this to our attention.


This may be caused by the OS System display settings being above 100%. Could you confirm that your OS systems are not set above 100%?

My scaling settings in Windows 11 is set to 150%. I’m using a 4k screen.

Does this break the scaling settings in FMOD Studio?

Could you please try either completely disabling Force Device Pixel Scale
With the system settings at 150%. Then trying system settings at 100% and FMOD at 115% and let me know if either of these combinations resolve the issue?


Here’s Windows at 150%, FMOD at disabled scaling.

Here’s Windows at 100%, FMOD at 115%

Here’s Windows at 100%, FMOD at 150%

To me, it looks optimal with Windows at 100% and FMOD at 150%. However, that makes every other application too small for me.

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