It looks like FMOD Studio’s device pixel scale factor may have been changed.
Open the preferences dialog, navigate to the “interface” tab, and look for a property that says “Display: Force pixel scale factor to [some number] (requires restart).”
Try changing this setting. If the checkbox is checked, uncheck it and restart FMOD Studio; if the checkbox is not checked, try checking it and trying a variety of different pixel scale factor values.
Ah! My apologies. I missed the detail that you were running FMOD Studio version 1.08.12. The property I mentioned was not added until a much later version.
It looks like you’re using some version of Windows. If you open the windows Settings dialogue, navigate to the Ease of Access settings, and select the “Display” category, what are the “Make everything bigger” and “Make text bigger” properties set to?
Well, you are definitely on to something there! I switched my display from extended desktop for multiple displays to duplicate on 2 out of the 3 and now it looks normal!