Unity doesn't find newly added events in Fmod after updatign Unity version

Hi all,

The devs I’m working with have recently switched the project into a newer version of unity: 2020.3.8f1.

At first I didn’t notice any anomaly, fmod and Unity would talk to each other and the audio would run smoothly. However today I tried to add a new event and noticed that unity would not recognise the event path. I did some testing and realised that no new event is recognised by Unity.

I create a new event, assign it to master bank (the only in use so far) and build the project, but unity doesn’t detect any changes. It also happens if I modify an existing event and press on build.
Strangely enough it does pick up changes to existing events if i do them in Live Update.

The fmod version I’m using is 2.00.10.

Any help is much appreciated!

Thanks in advance

When you updated to a new version of Unity, did you also update the version of the FMOD Studio Unity integration used by your game?

Update. I have just updated the the Unity integration but result hasn’t changed

Ok, issue solved. It didn’t have anything to do with fmod/unity version. it was an issue with file management. Thanks a lo Joseph

Hi Cbow. Could you elaborate on your issue. I am having the same problem with updating new Events not showing in Unity.

Thank you

If I remember correctly it was an issue unity or food bank path not being consistent. The path where fmod banks were stored, wasn’t the same where Unity was looking for.

Hope this helps