Unity doesn't trigger FMOD parameters


After trying the Kart Minigame tutorial, I started with the Viking Village one. I know, they’re pretty outdated, but I can’t find anything officially supported by FMOD that is recent.

I am trying to use a 3D cube to change a parameter in FMOD once the player enters it (https://youtu.be/DI72MHPfh0k?si=JcaZvL2K7BjH8z9y&t=377).

I don’t know why, even though I followed exactly the tutorial, it won’t work. I attached a screenshot of FMOD and Unity. This is a simpler version of the tutorial (I have less markers), I’m trying to raise the drum parameter from 0 to 1 once the player enters the cube, so that it jumps to the drum session marker. I also tried simply lowering and raising the volume of the strings, but it doesn’t work.

It plays the music at objectstart when I start the game, but it won’t change the parameters.

Anybody know what’s the issue?

By using a transition marker the transition will only occur at that specific point when the conditions are met. Eg. in your case when the player enters the cube, it should set the drums parameter to 1, but the transition to the area in the event containing the drums will occur the next time the timeline position pass the marker. If you want it to transition faster then you can use a transition region instead.

Also just double check that you are using the correct gameobject as the target in the FMOD Studio Event Parameter Trigger script.