After trying the Kart Minigame tutorial, I started with the Viking Village one. I know, they’re pretty outdated, but I can’t find anything officially supported by FMOD that is recent.
I am trying to use a 3D cube to change a parameter in FMOD once the player enters it (https://youtu.be/DI72MHPfh0k?si=JcaZvL2K7BjH8z9y&t=377).
I don’t know why, even though I followed exactly the tutorial, it won’t work. I attached a screenshot of FMOD and Unity. This is a simpler version of the tutorial (I have less markers), I’m trying to raise the drum parameter from 0 to 1 once the player enters the cube, so that it jumps to the drum session marker. I also tried simply lowering and raising the volume of the strings, but it doesn’t work.
It plays the music at objectstart when I start the game, but it won’t change the parameters.
Anybody know what’s the issue?