Unity editor crashes after exciting play-mode while using Oculus quest 2

I recently added my first FMOD event to my VR project. I followed all the set up steps and everything works when I enter play-mode on my desktop (without the oculus).

However, when I connect the Oculus device to my unity editor using oculus link, the scene will start and run fine with no errors, but once I exit play-mode unity crashes.

I have also tried building the game onto my Oculus device and I get the following errors:

  • IOException: Win32 IO returned ERROR_INVALID_NAME. Path: C:\Users\Me\Test Game Audio\Assets\StreamingAssets\C:
    System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectoriesInternal (System.String path)

  • Error building Player: IOException: Win32 IO returned ERROR_INVALID_NAME. Path: C:\Users\Me\Test Game Audio\Assets\StreamingAssets\C:

I never have these errors before, and they only started showing up when I integrated FMOD into my project and added an event to an object in the scene.

Any help with would be greatly appreciated.

The path ending in “C:\” sounds to me like there is some kind of bad path set somewhere- because it’s on the end of the Streaming Assets folder I suspect there is some strange value that we aren’t validating correctly in FMOD Bank Sub Folder in the FMOD integration settings.
What value do you have for FMOD Bank Sub Folder? Perhaps try setting it to blank and backspace it out completely to make sure there’s no whitespace. Otherwise, can you please let me know your FMOD and Untiy versions and send over a complete log after a crash?