Unreal FMOD Resonance - Sound Reflection bug with rotated ResonanceRooms

Dear FMOD Team,

we are currently facing an audio bug with rotated ResonanceRooms when only Reflection Parameter values are set (ReverbGain = 0).

In cases the Rooms are not rotated, everything works fine and the Sound Reflection effect can be heard.

But as soon we rotate the volume/room (e.g. to define a stairway corridor with a slope) the reflection can only be heared in the “center part” of the room. (see scribble)


This bug is only experienced with the reflection value. The ReverbGain works fine in all locations of the room boundaries. Which led us to the conclusion: This might be a bug inside fmod or the resonanceaudio plugin??

Used Versions:
Unreal 4.26.2
FMOD Studio 2.02.03 (with included resonanceaudio.dll)

I have found that this issue reproduces with Resonance Audio regardless of whether the FMOD integration is present in the project, so this appears to be an issue with Resonance Audio. I recommend reporting this issue to the Resonance Audio developers via the Resonance Audio GitHub repository .