What is FMODStudioCache used for?


Trying to understand all the parts with the new Unity integration. What is the FMODStudioCache asset used for? Should this file be tracked in the repository or is it a local cache only?


Good question Shawn, I might add something to the docs about this.

FMODStudioCache is a cache of the all the projects event info read from the Banks. It’s used to speed up the Event Browser. It’s also tracks the last-modified timestamps of all the bank files and triggers the copy into Streaming Asset folder.

It’s only ever used in-editor. It’s not referenced from any runtime component so it shouldn’t be packaged into any build.

There’s nothing unsafe about adding it to the repository to spare your team members the cost of updating it locally when new banks are pulled from source control.

If you delete it in the Unity inspector it will be re-created straight away. So you can easily see how long it takes.

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Hi, can you help me find a solution to this?

I work in a project and sometimes workmates push changes to the FMODCache without knowing and that break all the EventRef in the editor for me and I have to fix them and push the cache again.

Is there a solution? Why it will change on their side?

According to our docs on Source Control, the FMODStudioCache.asset should be ignored because it is generated locally. You should add this line to your .gitignore file:
