Wrong audio volumes and interesting sound changes

Hi there.

I figure out an interesting bug in FmodStudio Build#116632.:
I play an event that has multi sound and 3d then the first play is 50% lower volumes then the coming… after switch to another ewevent i get the same…! i figure out when i recreate the event liek add new and paste all the parameters from the previous bad working event the neverything is fine and is get more powerfull volumes. but now i have hundreds of events so i can not recreate all of them that impossible to do that.

Also the other problem is playing a sound in async on and off there is a massive sound differencies.! Maybe its a bug in the used Fmod Studio version 2.01.10 64bit… meanwhile i update the latest version and chek the founded issues again…

see and hear the attached file in my profile…Processing: knightstale_soundeffects.fspro_ - Event Editor 2021-11-11 09-34-14.mp4…

Thank you for your help

update, in the latest studio version the problem is still there… i think its a migrating problem or something.
I figure out the ADSR modulation is maybe stuck in some events, but ther is no ADSR modulation inserted. so i just insert a new and remove all and the volumes gets good again. But still not fixed in all the events…

There’s a lot of places to mess up with volume… I wrote that post as a recap. Maybe double check those points…

The only thing I can see is that the axe_normal_hit event’s multi-instrument’s fader has some kind of automation or modulation on it that I can’t see in the video.

If possible, are you able to provide us a copy of this event in a blank project? You can right click > copy the event and paste into a blank project and send that over. For privacy reasons feel free to DM me a link to the project if that’s alright.