I have a lot of duplicate Fmod events cluttering my project folder in Unity. They are labeled as ‘Editor Param Ref’. Is there a way to hide these or can I just delete them? I have uploaded an image as reference.
The duplicate items in your screenshot are parameters, rather than events. The extra ones represent automatically generated Unity cache assets.
That being said, these duplicate parameter cache assets are supposed to be cleaned up whenever you rebuild your banks. Their continuing to appear is therefore a bug, so I’ve added it to our bug tracker.
According to our records, we have created a fix for this issue, and it is included in versions 2.01.13 and 2.02.04 of our Unity integration. Version 2.02.04 is currently available in the Unity Asset store. Because of the way Unity asset verification works, version 2.01.13 will most likely not appear on the Unity Asset Store, but can be downloaded from our website.
Naturally, the fix is also included in more recent versions of our Unity integrations, which can also be downloaded from our website.