BankLoadException ERR_MEMORY WebGL build in Oculus Quest browser


I have this memory error when loading the only bank of the project, which is a 55.6 MB file.

Is it too heavy ?

The error occurs in the Quest browser, but it loads fine in a desktop browser.

Messages from the console:

[FMOD] loadFromWeb. Path =, result = ERR_MEMORY.

BankLoadException: [FMOD] Could not load bank ‘’ : ERR_MEMORY : Not enough memory or resources.
at FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.loadedBankRegister (FMODUnity.RuntimeManager+LoadedBank loadedBank, System.String bankPath, System.String bankName, System.Boolean loadSamples, FMOD.RESULT loadResult) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0

Thank you for your help.


Those error messages do usually indicate a shortage of memory.

Does the issue still occur if you try making an extremely small and simple bank, and attempt to load that in the Oculus Quest browser?