I have Downloaded Fmod from the assert Store. But Can’t Import it into my Packages and Asserts in unity. At the Bottom of the Page it says Import. But when I click it try’s to import it . But in the Middle of the importing it Says Permission and Cut out in the Middle of the importing. Then at the Bottom of the Page it says Import Again? Pleas Help Urgent!!! Do I need permission for the Programmer who Made it? Thanks
From your description, it sounds like you might be experiencing a file or disk access permissions issue. If so, it will be a setting on your computer that you need to change. Can you post a screenshot of the message?
I could but this happens in the Middle of the import it says wait. Then a word coms up and says permission. Then it cuts out and nothing is imported and still at the bottom of the screen it says import.
Thanks Joseph.
I’m afraid that without more information, this issue will be difficult to diagnose. Are there any relevant messages in the logs? Have you tried taking a screenshot using the Print Screen key?