Connecting to Unreal 4.27 game build on Quest 2 headset

Following the directions found here ( I am attempting to connect to our game build running on the Quest 2 headset.

We have no issue live connecting to the game running in Editor, but none of our team is able to connect to the build on headset.


When trying to connect in FMOD studio you will need to add a new address in the Live Update window:
Here you will add the IP of the Oculus you are connecting to, which can be found in the Oculus WIFI settings:

Hope this helps!

Yes several team members have attempted just that but we are unable to connect with the headset to the build specifically. We will be submitting an official support request through our developer account. FMOD just does not find the build while it’s running following those steps.


Testing FMOD 2.02.18 I was able to connect to the UE build, what version of FMOD are you using?

Make sure that you have the Build Configuration set to Development in the Project Settings -> Packaging -> Project:
otherwise, Live Update is disabled by the integration. Unreal Integration | Settings - Live Update Port.