FMOD for Unity, Event not found C#


So I’ve installed FMOD for Unity 2.02.07 and FMOD studio 2.02.07. When I create an FMOD Studio Event Emitter I do get sound and no errors. I’ve got an Fmod listener on the camera.

When trying to play sound through a C# script with


I get an error everytime it should trigger:

[FMOD] Event not found: event:/TestBeep
UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning (object)

I’ve tried deleting the fmod banks folder but no solution yet. I did see things about the streamingassets folder but I don’t know where this one should be. A full computer search couldn’t find it.

Edit: The FMOD wizard keeps popping up after I reopen a scene too.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance!


A solution may be using FMODUnity.EventReference. This allows you to choose the event you want to use from a list. This will ensure the event is available to be played. Also, you won’t have to go into the code if you ever want to change the played event.
It is used like this:

///Declaring the Event Reference
public FMODUnity.EventReference eventRef; 

///When you want to play the one shot 

Streaming Assets is an option for how you want to load the FMOD Banks into your Unity project. For reference, the StreaminAssets folder is in your Unity project directory: Project->Assets->StreamingAssets after you have built your Unity project at least once. But it will only be there if the Streaming Assets option is selected in the FMOD Unity options here:

Hope this helps!

Sorry for the late answer… This works even better. Thanks!

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