FMOD settings aren't saved between unity restarts

When changing the settings in my FMODStudioSettings, they get reset every time I restart unity.

We use FMOD version 2.01.10

I use perforce as source control and the modified settings doesn’t seems to be applied in the FMODStudiosettings asset, even if I have checkout the file and made modification inside.

Note that when I do modification in the settings, they are applied during the current unity session though.

When opening the asset in a text editor, the settings looks good though.

I see that there are many people with this issue on the forum. Is there any fix yet?


This issue was fixed in 2.01.14, you should be able to to update minor versions of FMOD without issue (up to 2.01.23 which is the final version of 2.01).

We would usually recommend upgrading to a newer major version of FMOD, as 2.01 is not actively supported anymore, but that will depend on your team/project.

You can check the detailed revision history for more information on updates.