I meet some trouble in use FMODUtils::GetPath()
It works right in standalone mode, but when i check “Launch Separate Server” and “Play As Client”.
The DS Server crashed.
I read log and find it looks like when i try to get event name like “event:/xxx/xxxx/xxx” by this method it didn’t find some function in fmodstudioL.dll.
Is there others way to get event path like “event:/xxx/xxx”?
or my code is wrong.
Thank you.
Which version of UE and FMOD are you using?
I’m using UE4.27 and FMOD 2.02.10
Is this happening in Editor or after you have packaged the project?
in Editor
Thank you for that information.
I was unable to reproduce the issue. Would it be possible to get a code snippet that is causing the issue?
FString CLASSNAME::GetEventPath(UFMODEvent* FMODEvent)
return "";
FMOD::Studio::EventDescription* event_description = IFMODStudioModule::Get().GetEventDescription(FMODEvent);
FString res = FMODUtils::GetPath(event_description);
return res;
This is the function I’m using.
And I have another question.
Thank you
Thank you for providing that, unfortunately, I still was not able to reproduce the issue.
Would it be possible to get a copy of the project to test on my side? You can upload it to your profile.
I see that other question. I will see what I can do
I regret that i can’t give you a copy of my project.
Thankyou for your help. I’m very grateful.
Would it be possible to make an empty project and see if you can repro the issue that you could share? Any project that has the issue would be perfect!
I will have a try.