I really new at this and I’m trying to integrate FMOD in unity and when try to load my event in unity I always get this message no FMOD studio banks loaded. Please check your settings. Everything else seems to be correct as I followed the instructions trying again and again but I always get the same message. Can anyone help me out?
If you are linking the integration via the Studio project, it will expect to find the built banks in “{ProjectName}/Build/{Platform}”, if they are not built there then you can link the Integration to a build folder.
That tutorial seems to be missing a step… I’ve read over it several times and it never shows how to load the banks.
If I just put the banks in folder, and set the build path correctly, I get shown the ‘No FMOD studio banks loaded’ message in the event browser.
I guess the step that is missing is building the banks in Studio.
If you are seeing “No FMOD Studio banks loaded. Please check your settings.” in the Unity Event Browser, when you check the settings you will likely see “FMOD Studio Project does not contain any built data. Please build your project in FMOD Studio.”.
I have Project/Build/Desktop/ with two bank files in that folder and Im getting the “no banks are loaded” message
How are you linking the integration to the banks? Are you linking to a Studio project or a bank directory?