OculusSpatializerFMOD not found when upgrading from 2.02.04 to 2.02.17

Hi - I’ve just updated my project (in Unity 2020.3.46) from FMOD version 2.02.04 to 2.02.17. I’ve downloaded the new version of Studio, put the oculus spatializer into the plugins folder, and rebuilt my banks. The Unity integration also seems to have successfully moved my plugins to the new folder structure. The problem is, when I run the game, I get this error:

SystemNotInitializedException: [FMOD] Initialization failed : Loading plugin ‘OculusSpatializerFMOD’ from ‘C:/prj/Thrasher/Thrasher_WVS/thrasher-main/Assets/Assets/Plugins/FMOD/platforms/win/lib/x86_64/OculusSpatializerFMOD.dll’ : ERR_FILE_NOTFOUND : File not found.

Note that the folder above has “Assets” listed twice in a row (i.e Assets/Assets). The DLL seems to be in the correct place, i.e.:

Why is it looking for the plugin in the wrong folder (i.e Assets/Assets)? Any help would be MUCH appreciated!

take care,



This is a known error which will be fixed in our next release. In the meantime, there is a workaround which can be found here: FMOD trying to find Resonance Audio in wrong directory - #2 by 7Dev.

If there is anything else we can assist with please do not hesitate to ask.


FMOD 2.02.18 which includes the fix for this issue has been released on both our downloads page and the Unity Package Manager.

thanks for the workaround, that fixed things for me!

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