@cameron-fmod Thanks for the hot update, is there any workaround for it at present? I’m running into an issue where it’s not just showing this error, it’s not playing the event at all. 2.02.19 on Mac.
I have a event with 11 scatterer tracks that loop but the spawns are spaced apart, at least by a few seconds each.
We are using the “Import Type = Asset Bundle” so I’m unable to check off “Load Bank Sample Data” as described in Attempting to schedule a sound in the past, this could cause inaccurate playback. Spam - #6 by cameron-fmod
I previously posted here: Scatter Instrument - Attempting to schedule a sound in the past - #10 by richard_simms
UPDATE: I am encountering some very odd behavior. I definitely have the FMOD Listener in the Unity Scene, but if I change some settings, the event with scatterers will NOT PLAY AT ALL.
I haven’t narrowed it down to exactly what yet since there appears to be some unpredictability, but in one case, when I set all “Min & Max Scatter Distance” to 0.00 (making it a 2D event) it played as expected again. But strangely, I have gotten it working with at least a few tracks set from 0.00 - 0.50.
So far I haven’t noticed any change if I check “Preload Sample Data” or toggle the Stream state of the assets being scatterer’ed. It spams the console with “Attempting to schedule…” regardless.