Please find the logs below. I don’t see anything special. Do you?
2019-12-16 11:24:00.705575+0100 app[82424:4329646] Built from ‘2019.2/staging’ branch, Version ‘2019.2.12f1 (b1a7e1fb4fa5)’, Build type ‘Release’, Scripting Backend ‘il2cpp’
2019-12-16 11:24:00.709964+0100 app[82424:4329646] → registered mono modules 0x103508760
→ applicationDidFinishLaunching()
Loading player data from /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/F47A9D74-244B-4647-B157-31FF3B7501EB/
2019-12-16 11:24:00.819809+0100 app[82424:4329646] Metal GPU Frame Capture Enabled
→ applicationDidBecomeActive()
[XR] Discovering subsystems at path /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/F47A9D74-244B-4647-B157-31FF3B7501EB/
[XR] No descriptors matched for examples in UnitySubsystems/UnityARKit/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json.
[XR] 1 ‘inputs’ descriptors matched in UnitySubsystems/UnityARKit/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json
[XR] No descriptors matched for cameras in UnitySubsystems/UnityARKit/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json.
[XR] No descriptors matched for displays in UnitySubsystems/UnityARKit/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json.
[XR] No descriptors matched for depths in UnitySubsystems/UnityARKit/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json.
[XR] No descriptors matched for meshings in UnitySubsystems/UnityARKit/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json.
[XR] No descriptors matched for planes in UnitySubsystems/UnityARKit/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json.
[XR] No descriptors matched for raycasts in UnitySubsystems/UnityARKit/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json.
[XR] No descriptors matched for referencePoints in UnitySubsystems/UnityARKit/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json.
[XR] No descriptors matched for sessions in UnitySubsystems/UnityARKit/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json.
[XR] No descriptors matched for experience in UnitySubsystems/UnityARKit/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json.
[XR] No descriptors matched for gestures in UnitySubsystems/UnityARKit/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json.
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
Initializing Metal device caps: Apple A12X GPU
Initialize engine version: 2019.2.12f1 (b1a7e1fb4fa5)
UnloadTime: 0.365542 ms
[XR] Loading plugin UnityARKit for subsystem ARKit-Input…
[XR] UnityARKit successfully registered Provider for ARKit-Input
[LOG] System::create : Header version = 2.00.06. Current version = 2.00.06.
[LOG] SystemI::setOutputInternal : Setting output to ‘FMOD Core Audio Output’
[LOG] Manager::init : maxchannels = 128 studioflags = 00000008 flags 00000000 extradriverdata 0x0.
[LOG] SystemI::init : Initialize version=20006 (106220), maxchannels=128, flags=0x00020000
[LOG] OutputCoreAudio::init : Hardware buffer size: 1024 samples, hardware sample rate: 48000Hz, hardware channels: 2
[LOG] OutputCoreAudio::init : Maximum hardware read size: 4096 samples, Software buffer size: 512 samples, Number of software buffers: 4.
[WRN] OutputCoreAudio::init : DSP buffer size * DSP num buffers is potentially too small.
[WRN] SystemI::init : Output requires a sample rate of 48000Hz, resampling will occur.
[LOG] Thread::initThread : Init FMOD stream thread. Priority: 2, Stack Size: 98304, Semaphore: No, Sleep Time: 10, Looping: Yes.
[LOG] SystemI::DSPCodecPoolRegister : register codec pool for pool type 7
[LOG] Thread::initThread : Init FMOD mixer thread. Priority: 1, Stack Size: 81920, Semaphore: Yes, Sleep Time: 0, Looping: Yes.
[LOG] AsyncManager::init : manager 0x10a17d208 isAsync 1 updatePeriod 0.02
[LOG] Thread::initThread : Init FMOD Studio update thread. Priority: 0, Stack Size: 98304, Semaphore: No, Sleep Time: 1, Looping: No.
[LOG] AsyncManager::init : done
[LOG] PlaybackSystem::init :
[LOG] Thread::initThread : Init FMOD Studio sample load thread. Priority: 0, Stack Size: 98304, Semaphore: No, Sleep Time: 1, Looping: No.
[LOG] PlaybackSystem::init : done
[LOG] Thread::initThread : Init FMOD Studio bank load thread. Priority: 0, Stack Size: 98304, Semaphore: No, Sleep Time: 1, Looping: No.
[LOG] Manager::init : done.
2019-12-16 11:24:02.566431+0100 app[82424:4329646] Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for <SplashScreenController: 0x10a9215d0>.
[LOG] Manager::readBank : fileversion = 123, compatVersion = 119 (oldest = 44, newest = 123)
[LOG] PlaybackSystem::acquireMasterBus : Setting master channel group format to 3
[LOG] Manager::readBank : fileversion = 123, compatVersion = 119 (oldest = 44, newest = 123)
[LOG] Manager::readBank : fileversion = 123, compatVersion = 119 (oldest = 44, newest = 123)
2019-12-16 11:24:04.363784+0100 app[82424:4329970] [Technique] World tracking performance is being affected by resource constraints [3]
2019-12-16 11:24:04.363853+0100 app[82424:4329970] [Technique] VIO error callback: 608425.287407, 3, Frame time stamps are either out of order or repeating
Loading wave
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
LocationsController:LoadLocation(String, Single, Action, Action, Action1, Action
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
[LOG] SystemI::createSound : memory = 0x136480020 : mode 12010082
[LOG] SystemI::createSound : FMOD_NONBLOCKING specified. Putting into queue to be opened asynchronously!
[LOG] Thread::initThread : Init FMOD nonblocking thread (0). Priority: 1, Stack Size: 114688, Semaphore: Yes, Sleep Time: 0, Looping: Yes.
[LOG] SystemI::createSound : setdata soundi = 0x1267baa98 : node = 0x1097117d0
[LOG] SystemI::createSound : add node to async list : head = 0x12e3a1c58. list count = 0
[LOG] AsyncThread::threadFunc : Starting Asynchronous operation on sound 0x1267baa98
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : Create data=0x136480020, mode=0x12010082
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->cbsize = 224
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->length = 15035136
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->fileoffset = 38752
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->numsubsounds = 1
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->inclusionlist = 0x1097118e0
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->inclusionlistnum = 1
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->suggestedsoundtype = 5
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->initialseekpostype = 1
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : Stream 0/1: name=‘MenuAmbient’, format=2, channels=2, frequency=24000, lengthbytes=14513248, lengthpcm=13269248, pcmblocksize=256, loopstart=0, loopend=0, mode=0x00000000, channelmask=0x00000000, channelorder=0, peakvolume=0.988678.
[LOG] AsyncThread::threadFunc : Finished Asynchronous operation on sound 0x1267baa98
[LOG] SoundI::getSubSound : sound 0x1267baa98. Subsound index 0 / 1
Unloading 6 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
UnloadTime: 0.298833 ms
Loading location scene:Assets/Locations/Wave/SubLocation1/Wave_SubLocation1.unity
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
Unloading 16 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1608.
Total: 4.131792 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.207667 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.067458 ms MarkObjects: 3.761083 ms DeleteObjects: 0.095125 ms)
Loading assets scene:Assets/Locations/Wave/SubLocation1/Scenes/Wave_Assets_Mobile.unity
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
WARNING → applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning()
2019-12-16 11:24:41.651606+0100 app[82424:4329853] [ServicesDaemonManager] interruptionHandler is called. -[FontServicesDaemonManager connection]_block_invoke
WARNING → applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning()
[LOG] Manager::readBank : fileversion = 123, compatVersion = 119 (oldest = 44, newest = 123)
Location wave loaded!
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : Create data=0x13eb1c020, mode=0x12000202
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->cbsize = 224
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->length = 541664
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->fileoffset = 1760
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->numsubsounds = 1
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->inclusionlist = 0x170dbe7e4
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->inclusionlistnum = 1
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->suggestedsoundtype = 5
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->initialseekpostype = 1
[LOG] SystemI::DSPCodecPoolRegister : register codec pool for pool type 7
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : Sample 0/1: name=‘Intro_Watch’, format=2, channels=1, frequency=24000, lengthbytes=72672, lengthpcm=132864, pcmblocksize=256, loopstart=0, loopend=0, mode=0x00000000, channelmask=0x00000000, channelorder=0, peakvolume=0.486877.
[LOG] SystemI::createSound : memory = 0x13eb1c020 : mode 12010082
[LOG] SystemI::createSound : FMOD_NONBLOCKING specified. Putting into queue to be opened asynchronously!
[LOG] SystemI::createSound : setdata soundi = 0x10aa542d8 : node = 0x10aaa34b0
[LOG] SystemI::createSound : add node to async list : head = 0x12e3a1c58. list count = 0
[LOG] AsyncThread::threadFunc : Starting Asynchronous operation on sound 0x10aa542d8
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : Create data=0x13eb1c020, mode=0x12010082
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->cbsize = 224
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->length = 541664
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->fileoffset = 1760
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->numsubsounds = 1
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->inclusionlist = 0x10aaa35c0
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->inclusionlistnum = 1
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->suggestedsoundtype = 5
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : exinfo->initialseekpostype = 1
[LOG] SystemI::createSoundInternal : Stream 0/1: name=‘Wave’, format=2, channels=1, frequency=24000, lengthbytes=468864, lengthpcm=857344, pcmblocksize=256, loopstart=0, loopend=0, mode=0x00000000, channelmask=0x00000000, channelorder=0, peakvolume=0.707001.
[LOG] AsyncThread::threadFunc : Finished Asynchronous operation on sound 0x10aa542d8
[LOG] SoundI::getSubSound : sound 0x10aa542d8. Subsound index 0 / 1
[WRN] OutputRingBuffer::read : Insufficient buffer size detected, requested 32768 bytes, buffer size is 16384 bytes.
[WRN] OutputRingBuffer::read : Insufficient buffer size detected, requested 32768 bytes, buffer size is 16384 bytes.
[WRN] OutputRingBuffer::read : Insufficient buffer size detected, requested 32768 bytes, buffer size is 16384 bytes.
→ applicationWillResignActive()
[WRN] OutputRingBuffer::read : Insufficient buffer size detected, requested 32768 bytes, buffer size is 16384 bytes.
[WRN] OutputRingBuffer::read : Insufficient buffer size detected, requested 32768 bytes, buffer size is 16384 bytes.
[WRN] OutputRingBuffer::read : Insufficient buffer size detected, requested 32768 bytes, buffer size is 16384 bytes.
[WRN] OutputRingBuffer::read : Insufficient buffer size detected, requested 32768 bytes, buffer size is 16384 bytes.
[WRN] OutputRingBuffer::read : Insufficient buffer size detected, requested 32768 bytes, buffer size is 16384 bytes.
→ applicationDidEnterBackground()
2019-12-16 11:25:02.329170+0100 app[82424:4329646] Can’t end BackgroundTask: no background task exists with identifier 1 (0x1), or it may have already been ended. Break in UIApplicationEndBackgroundTaskError() to debug.