Car Engine Sound stays steady, dynamic adaption to trigger input does not work

Hello everybody,
my problem occured at starting up a car engine sound for my unity project.

If I press “play”, my RPM and my AccelInput value stay on their initial value, I gave them before starting, but the two values should adapt dynamically to my trigger input.
I can see the car moving, so there is an controller input to the project, but it does not change the value for RPM or AccelInput.

I think maybe the update does not work properly, but i could not find a way to fix it.

That is the relevent part of my script, would be great if someone could help me out, thanks already!

 void Start ()
 cachedRigidBody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();	       
 FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.AttachInstanceToGameObject(CarEngine, GetComponent<Transform>(), GetComponent<Rigidbody>());
     CarEngine.start ();

 void Update ()
  	CarEngine.setParameterByID(RPMParameterId, (float)CC.CurrentSpeed);
CarEngine.setParameterByID(AccelInputParameterId, (float)CC.AccelInput);

Are you able to use Debug.Log() to see if the values of CC.CurrentSpeed and CC.AccelInput are changing as expecting?

Just typing in Debug.Log() into my code does not get me any new errors, but also does not change anything for me.
If you maybe could explain to me what that command should do if it works, would be great.

Thanks already!

This is kind of starting to get more into Unity support than FMOD, but Debug.Log() is used to print messages to the console. What you need to do is, inside your Update() function print the values of CC.CurrentSpeed and CC.AccelInput to make sure they are giving you the values you are expecting.

void Update ()
    Debug.Log("Current speed: " + CC.CurrentSpeed);
    Debug.Log("Accel Input: " + CC.AccelInput);
    CarEngine.setParameterByID(RPMParameterId, (float)CC.CurrentSpeed);
    CarEngine.setParameterByID(AccelInputParameterId, (float)CC.AccelInput);