Error CS0117: 'VERSION' does not contain a definition for 'dll'

I’m getting the following errors in unity trying to create a build. (using version 2.01.04 with Unity 2019.2.21
I’ve given the Runtime and Editor folders of the FMOD unity integration their own assembly definitions
For some reason I get this weird error, it seems it wont resolve the VERSION number to a dll file name?

Assets\Plugins\FMOD\src\Runtime\wrapper\fmod.cs(1867,28): error CS0117: 'VERSION' does not contain a definition for 'dll'
Assets\Plugins\FMOD\src\Runtime\wrapper\fmod_studio.cs(375,35): error CS0117: 'STUDIO_VERSION' does not contain a definition for 'dll'

Any ideas?

In release 2.01 there are source files under Assets/Plugins/FMOD/platforms that need to be part of the FMODUnity assembly, otherwise player builds fail with lots of errors about FMOD.VERSION and FMOD.Studio.STUDIO_VERSION missing a definition for ‘dll’.

The docs are being updated with this information in the next release.

I would like to ask how to solve this problem

I also encountered this issue when building the switch platform. How can I solve this version issue

Solution shared here: Unity Build Switch Error - #6 by abjiasteamwork