Hey there, basically I’m working in a VR project with a programmer instrumment but there is an error that says “EventNotFoundException: [FMOD] Event not found: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} ()” even if the bank that contains the event is loaded which I was checking with RuntimeManager.HasBankLoaded(). I am setting from unity editor the event reference with the code “public FMODUnity.EventReference m_eventName;” and in the editor the event appears in the list, but is not recognizing the reference. I already deleted FmodStudioCache.asset
The FmodSettings in unity:
The configuration for the event reference:
The code that is checking the bank loaded and how is starting the event instance (m_eventName is the variable that is locating the reference setted in the editor):
The event is into a folder but is already assigned to the bank:
And here is my build configuration:
Fmod studio and Fmod plugin for unity both are in 2.02.13 version
Thanks for your time, and hope you can help me!