Hey there, basically I’m working in a VR project with a programmer instrumment but there is an error that says “EventNotFoundException: [FMOD] Event not found: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} ()” even if the bank that contains the event is loaded which I was checking with RuntimeManager.HasBankLoaded(). I am setting from unity editor the event reference with the code “public FMODUnity.EventReference m_eventName;” and in the editor the event appears in the list, but is not recognizing the reference. I already deleted FmodStudioCache.asset
The FmodSettings in unity:
The configuration for the event reference:

The code that is checking the bank loaded and how is starting the event instance (m_eventName is the variable that is locating the reference setted in the editor):
The event is into a folder but is already assigned to the bank:

And here is my build configuration:
Fmod studio and Fmod plugin for unity both are in 2.02.13 version
Thanks for your time, and hope you can help me!
Thank you for all the information and the screenshots.
Is this happening in a build or Unity Editor on your computer?
Could you please try adding Desktop
as a Project Platform
Can you please tick Enable API Error Logging, set your Logging Level to “Warning”, and post the full console log here?
Wait, what was the precise fix now for you? You had a VR project, that had Mobile as build target, right? (According to your fmod settings screenshot)
And you added desktop sound banks even though it’s not referenced, and this fixed it for you?
We’re working on Nintendo Switch and set as source type “Single Platform Build”, just like you. Our path is referencing the Switch banks folder and it succeeds in creating the addressables banks. The switch folder is the only folder we have in our AudioBanks directory.
Our sound designer seems to have exported for Game Core, Switch, Desktop and Mobile, because he produced all 4 sound bank folders, but we on switch only used the Switch folder.
The event is properly referenced in the inspector, we tried removing, saving, re-adding it, but that also didn’t work. We ensured there’s no prefab overwrite or scene overwrite. That the game object persists as single instance throughout the runtime. We ensured that addressables is building properly and that the audio banks and audio addressable bundles exist on our build.
But yet still, only on the build, the event reference is an empty GUID.
We got it fixed. SoundManager instance didn’t DontDestroyOnLoad, even though we told it to. Instance got wiped after scene unload had an empty GUID as consequence of that. Hope that helps anyone during debugging - check for instance destroy.
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Thank you for sharing the solution!