I’m making a racing game, I ran into a problem when using the doppler effect, I applied the effect on the engine sound so that when the ai drive past there is a realistic effect, but now when I turn the camera the sound is distorted and it’s weird, how do I fix this? (used the same engine sound for the ai and for my car)
An option may be overriding the position of the listener to the car rather than being on the camera. Further explained here: Doppler pitch calculates to character not camera - #3 by Connor_FMOD.
Hope this helps!
Good afternoon I am back to this question again ( camera and doppler effect) in general I did not find this line in the blueprint (Set Audio Listner Override)
what should be the listener in this case so that there is no defect when you rotate the camera or change the camera?
And also a question, where should this (listener blueprint) be located in the code?
what’s supposed to be connected?
A great reference of how to set this up can be found here: Attenuation on Character, Spatialization on the Camera -- UE5.1 - Fmod Studio 2.02.11 - #8 by maty64
That is, I need to let’s say the camera is a listener because we rotate the camera and can hear the front engine, but do not want to have defects from doppler effect from fmod
any examples on the car?
Apologies, I don’t follow your explanation.
Is the issue you are hearing doppler effects when moving the camera around the car?
yes, when you’re moving the camera around fast.
and there is also a passing car nearby and it will also distort the Doppler sound, it happens because it reads the speed of the listener’s camera, it would be nice to fix it
Thanks for the explanation, in the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBzHTX-9BvE, they provide a blueprint example:
Did you have any luck with that?
If not, would it be possible to see your full blueprint?
Tested this code and its sound strange, because we need the listener to be a camera
Thank you for testing that. Would it be possible to get a video of the strange sounds are you hearing? Or would it be possible to get a stripped out version of the UE project uploaded to your profile for me to test on my side?