Here is an example of how to use AudioSampleProvider
to provide audio from a VideoPlayer
to FMOD when Unity Audio is disabled:
// This is a Unity behaviour script that demonstrates how to capture
// audio data from a VideoPlayer using Unity's AudioSampleProvider and
// play it back through an FMOD.Sound. This example uses the
// VideoPlayer's APIOnly output mode and can be used to get audio from
// a video when UnityAudio is disabled.
// For documentation on writing audio data to an FMOD.Sound. See
// This document assumes familiarity with Unity scripting. See
// for resources
// on learning Unity scripting.
using Unity.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Video;
using UnityEngine.Video;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
public class ScriptUsageVideoPlayback : MonoBehaviour
private const int LATENCY_MS = 50;
private const int DRIFT_MS = 1;
private const float DRIFT_CORRECTION_PERCENTAGE = 0.5f;
private AudioSampleProvider mProvider;
private FMOD.Channel mChannel;
private FMOD.Sound mSound;
private List<float> mBuffer = new List<float>();
private int mSampleRate;
private uint mDriftThreshold;
private uint mTargetLatency;
private uint mAdjustedLatency;
private int mActualLatency;
private uint mTotalSamplesWritten;
private uint mMinimumSamplesWritten = uint.MaxValue;
private uint mLastReadPosition;
private uint mTotalSamplesRead;
private void Start()
VideoPlayer vp = GetComponent<VideoPlayer>();
vp.audioOutputMode = VideoAudioOutputMode.APIOnly;
vp.prepareCompleted += Prepared;
vp.loopPointReached += VideoEnded;
mSampleRate = (int)(vp.GetAudioSampleRate(0) * vp.playbackSpeed);
mDriftThreshold = (uint)(mSampleRate * DRIFT_MS) / 1000;
mTargetLatency = (uint)(mSampleRate * LATENCY_MS) / 1000;
mAdjustedLatency = mTargetLatency;
mActualLatency = (int)mTargetLatency;
mExinfo.cbsize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(FMOD.CREATESOUNDEXINFO));
mExinfo.numchannels = vp.GetAudioChannelCount(0);
mExinfo.defaultfrequency = mSampleRate;
mExinfo.length = mTargetLatency * (uint)mExinfo.numchannels * sizeof(float);
FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CoreSystem.createSound("", FMOD.MODE.LOOP_NORMAL | FMOD.MODE.OPENUSER, ref mExinfo, out mSound);
private void OnDestroy()
private void VideoEnded(VideoPlayer vp)
if (!vp.isLooping)
private void Prepared(VideoPlayer vp)
mProvider = vp.GetAudioSampleProvider(0);
mProvider.sampleFramesAvailable += SampleFramesAvailable;
mProvider.enableSampleFramesAvailableEvents = true;
mProvider.freeSampleFrameCountLowThreshold = mProvider.maxSampleFrameCount - mTargetLatency;
private void SampleFramesAvailable(AudioSampleProvider provider, uint sampleFrameCount)
using (NativeArray<float> buffer = new NativeArray<float>((int)sampleFrameCount * provider.channelCount, Allocator.Temp))
uint written = provider.ConsumeSampleFrames(buffer);
* Drift compensation
* If we are behind our latency target, play a little faster
* If we are ahead of our latency target, play a little slower
uint samplesWritten = (uint)buffer.Length;
mTotalSamplesWritten += samplesWritten;
if (samplesWritten != 0 && (samplesWritten < mMinimumSamplesWritten))
mMinimumSamplesWritten = samplesWritten;
mAdjustedLatency = Math.Max(samplesWritten, mTargetLatency);
int latency = (int)mTotalSamplesWritten - (int)mTotalSamplesRead;
mActualLatency = (int)((0.93f * mActualLatency) + (0.03f * latency));
int playbackRate = mSampleRate;
if (mActualLatency < (int)(mAdjustedLatency - mDriftThreshold))
playbackRate = mSampleRate - (int)(mSampleRate * (DRIFT_CORRECTION_PERCENTAGE / 100.0f));
else if (mActualLatency > (int)(mAdjustedLatency + mDriftThreshold))
playbackRate = mSampleRate + (int)(mSampleRate * (DRIFT_CORRECTION_PERCENTAGE / 100.0f));
private void Update()
* Need to wait before playing to provide adequate space between read and write positions
if (!mChannel.hasHandle() && mTotalSamplesWritten >= mAdjustedLatency)
FMOD.ChannelGroup mMasterChannelGroup;
FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CoreSystem.getMasterChannelGroup(out mMasterChannelGroup);
FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CoreSystem.playSound(mSound, mMasterChannelGroup, false, out mChannel);
if (mBuffer.Count > 0 && mChannel.hasHandle())
uint readPosition;
mChannel.getPosition(out readPosition, FMOD.TIMEUNIT.PCMBYTES);
* Account for wrapping
uint bytesRead = readPosition - mLastReadPosition;
if (readPosition < mLastReadPosition)
bytesRead += mExinfo.length;
if (bytesRead > 0 && mBuffer.Count >= bytesRead)
* Fill previously read data with fresh samples
IntPtr ptr1, ptr2;
uint len1, len2;
var res = mSound.@lock(mLastReadPosition, bytesRead, out ptr1, out ptr2, out len1, out len2);
if (res != FMOD.RESULT.OK) Debug.LogError(res);
// Though exinfo.format is float, data retrieved from Sound::lock is in bytes, therefore we only copy (len1+len2)/sizeof(float) full float values across
int sampleLen1 = (int)(len1 / sizeof(float));
int sampleLen2 = (int)(len2 / sizeof(float));
int samplesRead = sampleLen1 + sampleLen2;
float[] tmpBuffer = new float[samplesRead];
mBuffer.CopyTo(0, tmpBuffer, 0, tmpBuffer.Length);
mBuffer.RemoveRange(0, tmpBuffer.Length);
if (len1 > 0)
Marshal.Copy(tmpBuffer, 0, ptr1, sampleLen1);
if (len2 > 0)
Marshal.Copy(tmpBuffer, sampleLen1, ptr2, sampleLen2);
res = mSound.unlock(ptr1, ptr2, len1, len2);
if (res != FMOD.RESULT.OK) Debug.LogError(res);
mLastReadPosition = readPosition;
mTotalSamplesRead += (uint)samplesRead;
Please let me know if you have any questions.