Historical reasons, primarily Direct Sound output mode. We do intend on changing this but we will need to wait for a major release.
@cameron-fmod Ah I see! And am I correct in understanding “schedule delay” needs to be set via code and there’s not a flag in the FMOD Studio GUI?
That is correct, it needs to be controlled via code. But this is just a work around and we plan to have this fixed for the next major FMOD version.
@cameron-fmod Can you please confirm if this was indeed fixed in FMOD 2.03? I didn’t see it under an obvious name in https://www.fmod.com/docs/2.03/studio/welcome-to-fmod-studio-new-in-203.html and would like to check on its status.
I can confirm that it has been fixed in 2.03, it was actually a fix in the Studio API:
Studio API - Fixed looping playlist instruments displaying a warning when using a DSP buffer size of less than 1024.
We are also seeing this problem with a scatterer instrument with a few samples.
The only thing that made this go away was increasing the DSP Buffer from 512 to 1024. Everything else had no effect.
(Sorry, missed the fix version as 2.03).