Unable to integrate FMOD with Resonance audio into Unity


What version of FMOD are you using?

So the issue is the FMOD integration needs to know about the resonance audio plugin which is outlined here: Unity Integration | Plugins - Dynamic Plugins.

The main points are adding the plugin to the FMOD Settings under the desired platforms:

Keep in mind to add plugins to Default to be added to all platforms or specific platforms as you add them.

There is a known issue with plugins in 2.02.17 which we are aiming to fix in the next release. In the meantime, a workaround can be found here: 2.02.17 SystemNotInitializedException: [FMOD] Initialization failed : Loading plugin 'OculusSpatializerFMOD' from '__BAD PATH__/Assets/Assets/Plugins/FMOD/platforms/win/lib/x86_64/OculusSpatializerFMOD.dll' : ERR_FILE_NOTFOUND'.

Hope this helps! If you have any more questions about FMOD and its integrations please do not hesitate to ask!