Hey! I am making a 2D game. I have a scene which represents a room the player is in. Now I want the room to have random sounds of floorboard creaks but I dont just want them to be panned sounds I want spacialization so the player can go to the source and hear it closer.
I decided to use the Sound Scatterer insturment. It works great but there’s a slight issue with 2D games.
In the Image above I have a FMOD Event Emmiter. It has its range set. Now the issue comes with the emmiter working in a 3D space. This means the sound wont be as random, because it will be focused around the center more since its a sphere.
Another issue is, as marked on the image, when the sound emmits further on the Z axis, the sound will be much quieter than when the Z axis is closer to 0.
TLDR: Is there a way I can lock the emmision of the sound scatterer to only scatter the sounds along the X and Y axis?