Godot 4 and FMOD integration - Best practice?

Add me to the list. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Please add me to the list as well - thank you!

Done and done, thanks!

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We have also been using the add-on Alessandro Famà created. Still, since it is not supported anymore, we are working on our own implementation, taking his implementation as a base.

That being said, official support would be rad. We hope to see it before our game releases. Please note us as well!

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Noted, thank you!

With the recent growth of Godot, I think an official implementation is needed. Me and my team are definitely interested in this, especially now that Alessandro Famà’s one has been discontinued.

Very interested in an officially supported implementation. Particularly, for C# in Godot.

Noted, thanks.

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I’m also interested about official integration with Godot!

We would also very much appreciate an official integration, please note me on the list :slight_smile:

Noted, thank you!

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Hi, I’d like to be noted for this too. Seems a lot of people have been switching over from unity lately, but the lack of support for an industry standard audio engine is the 1 thing holding Godot back right now.

Done, thanks!

Might as well also toss my name into this hat :smiley: Found this thread searching for “FMOD Godot 4”.

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Looking at how Unity uses fmod it looks as if fmod is supplied as .dll files. Since I am running Godot using C# it felt to be quite straightforward to use fmod in Godot if I could find those .dll files and just use the api in them.
I first looked at the fmod download page to get some specific files for this, but could not find any specific download for the .dll files so I looked at the unity installation which revaled a lot of variations - see picture. The first four seemed to fit my needs, windows and x64 so I tried them but when trying to load them (running the game) the game crashes.
Any chance of downloading correct .dll files somwhere else, and/or ideas of how to fix this?
It seems to be the fastet way to get fmod working in Godot by just using .dll files for fmod. Or?

An update: The approach seems to be viable because I could use .dll files I found in the unity project to install the fmod system I think (I mean no errors :slight_smile: ) but when I try to load a .bank that could be loaded in the Unity project presumably using these very .dll files I run into problems.
Well, we will see. Perhaps I am just to tired to see the obvious. Any hints would be appreciated.

I’m also interested about official integration with Godot! :robot: Thanks!

I also desire this quite strongly

Thanks all, your interest has been noted!

Hi – interested in official fmod support for Godot as well :smiley:

Also very interested in an official FMOD release for Godot