Godot 4 and FMOD integration - Best practice?

Noted, thank you!

Hello, I would like to note my interest in official support for a Godot plugin. While the unofficial plugin is great at what it does, web games are not supported because the developers do not have experience in that regard. Giving Godot web games the ability to use FMOD I feel would greatly increase the number of future game developers interested in using FMOD.

Thanks, I’ve noted your interest internally.

I too would like to express my interest on an official integration for Godot. FMOD for me has been an essential component of the teams I’ve worked in. It is a great tool for sound designers and music composers, it gives freedom and ease of use. It would definitely benefit many teams wanting to use both these amazing softwares

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I’m interested in an FMOD release for Godot

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Also interested! Unofficial plugins don’t quite have what I need. I’m very interested in something that can function with .NET for Godot as well as builds for double precision world co ordinates if possible.

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Note me down as interested as well.
How many people need to express interest to make this happen?
Is there a certain number/goal?


Just here to join in in saying that I’d absolutely love an official Godot integration!

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Thanks all, your interest has been noted!

+1 for interested parties. It would certainly help elevate Godot as a more serious and capable game engine too!

Noted, thank you!

also interested in an official integration: have used both unofficial integrations and while working - it has some rough edges.

Also interested in the integration.

Noted, thanks!


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Hi Leah.
I’m also interested in this possibility of having an official plugin for godot :slight_smile:

Also interested in the integration. Thanks!

Also interested in the integration. Thanks!

Thanks all, noted.